Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Rise of the Sons

Deeply moved by the documentary by Ms.Vibha Bakshi, 'Daughters of Mother India', I am forced to think about a couple of my male friends who feel that atrocities against men are ignored by everyone including law enforcement agencies in our country!

While I do not deny the fact that men are also subjected to disrespect and brutality by women, I still cannot help thinking about women who have been going through this and more for thousands of years without complaining. And in my perspective, it is this very attitude of 'not complaining' that had brought us here. 

Today, the men have started complaining pretty early and this brought to light the misuse of section 498 of the Indian Penal Code by a section of women. Imagine if the women had started to protest way back, the atrocious idea of a woman's place inside home or the woman being covered up from head to toe, wouldn't have risen in men's minds in the first place.

And thus, rapes of babies barely a month old wouldn't have happened! 



You have written a lot of them in 2015,then a period of lull,why?

Kavita Abichandani said...

I don't know. May be I was dealing with something.