Tuesday, December 11, 2012

You and I

Ah! You and I
Two halves of the same pie
Our bond, our affection
Of near perfection
Of love, understanding and mutual accord
Of no marital vow, no record
No ceremony
And yet
Completely in harmony
Never to be severed
By an invisible umbilical chord
Passing on to each other
What the other longs
Completing each other
Like an unsolved puzzle
Ah! You and I
Two halves of the same pie

We hold hands
And we look into the eye
And somehow
Time just goes by
Your shy smile
Makes me smile
Myself a little shy
You complete my thought
Just as I complete yours
You are my guide
I look up to you with pride
You are subtle
And I bring up a rustle
You calm my nerves
And I bring you out of your reserves
Ah! You and I
Two halves of the same pie

I wish to die
In your loving arms
Forever glowing
Forever knowing
We were always
A single being
Ah! You and I
Two halves of the same pie

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