Wednesday, June 28, 2006

HRM in India

Is HRM really what is should be in Corporate India? Does HRM in India need revamping? Does it have a glamorous face but an ugly reality?These are some of the questions that have been haunting me since the time I started my career twelve years ago. I have worked across different industries and the one thing I find most common is the lack of real 'Human Resource Management'. Instead, all I have seen, is 'dirty politics', played one way or the other, in one level or the other. I am sure the term 'dirty politics' came out of our own political system, but should it also enter our corporate world? It has always seemed to me that the big players in the HR department hold the reigns to all the questions I have asked in the beginning of this article. But the biggest question is what are these people doing to address them. We are a country of 'soft power', of being capable of influencing other parts of the world, in a very soft and subtle manner, but influencing neverthless. This is a slow but a sure way of being recognised. But do we also want to get recognised for wrong reasons, or do we consider this a very minor blunder. I dont think so. Wrong HRM will lead to many other wrongs. It will lead to frustations. It will lead to talent lost by this country. A majority of Indians who are settled abroad, do not want to come back to India. Have we thought, why? The other day I was speaking to a friend of mine who stays in Atlanta, USA. I asked him whether he was pondering on coming back to India. He immediately said NO. I asked him 'why'? He says "I would love to come back to my own country, but I hate the work culture there"." I have seen it all"." I dont want to go through it all over again". I do hope Corporate India starts thinking about its HR departments and how they function. Merely talking big or going by the book does not help. We need to have a microscopic view of the same and think about how corporates can actually manage their most important "asset" in the most effective manner. After all, its human beings we are dealing with and no human being is born without emotions. Managing Human Emotions has to be the new corporate mantra.